
Thursday, July 21, 2016

Group 5 week 2

This week began with an annual favourite, Lego Day! We played several games with Lego throughout the day. Every child was given a pail full of Lego and were told that they were not allowed to take Lego from any other pile. With that pails worth of Lego, the children were given 10 minutes to build a house.

Then we sat down in a circle and we were each given a minute to present our houses and explain what we built. Some of our houses had detailed furnishings, dog houses, garages with cars, security systems, and even secret doorways. One child even came up with a unique judging system to award prizes to participants for different categories. Then, the group was given a chance to ask the creator questions.

Then we returned to our places around the table and we played several more rounds. Some rounds we worked in groups, other times alone. We made airports, something space related, and a vehicle.

On Tuesday we went to the library and picked out our favourite books. We sat and read inside while outside it poured. A perfect rainy day!
On Wednesday, we had a paper airplane day. We learned how to make different airplane designs by looking at books and learning from each other.

After making our airplanes, we went to the gym to test them out. We made targets to fly our planes through. Then, we made modifications so our planes could get through the targets.

On Thursday, we went to Fort Whyte Alive! It is one of our favourite trips. We spent our morning critter dipping. We came across turtles, minnows, and all sorts of bugs.


On Friday, we walked over to a splashpad close to the centre. Group 5 seems to love the water. We spent the majority of the day in the water.


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