
Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Stop-Motion Club Weeks 2 + 3

Since the first week of stop-motion club, the children have made a lot of progress. The first week we went over the general roles (director, animator, cameraperson, etc.) needed to make a successful movie. Then we learned the general guidelines we need to follow on set so our hands don't get into the pictures.

During the second week, the children were given more freedom to assign and delegate roles on the set of the movie and to develop their own unique storylines. The children did very well with the added responsibility and demonstrated negotiation, compromise, and patience in deciding who would do what on set.

The children are now capable of organizing themselves to efficiently produce movies without much need for adult intervention. Their storylines and movies are uniquely theirs!


Mr. Dueck

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Banana Pancakes

You know what they say......"breakfast is the most important meal of the day!" This past in-service day we made banana pancakes for breakfast.


Mr. Bordush-See you soon!

Monday, November 28, 2016

Balance Board Game Changer

During one of our school age two meetings.  It was brought to my attention that the children were interested in finding the balancing point with some spare parts from the adventure playground.  This type of play got me thinking about how we can extend their play as well as invoke different types of play indoors.  Seemingly out of nowhere an image of a board came to mind!  I spontaneously blurted out "Balance Board!" and then Mr. Bordush replied "We can do this!"    And so it begins...
Our inspiration
Scene 1- The Process 

                                   Scene 2 -The Guinea Pig                                

Scene 3-The Results

Made with reclaimed wood.

Scene 4-Next level      To be continued...           

 'Till the next episode Mr. Reyes