
Tuesday, August 30, 2016


We wish you all the best in the future and will miss you.
It's been a privilege being part of your life!!!
<3 SA2

~Mrs. Carr

Group 1 duck tape projects

On August 15 group 1 made many different projects out of duck tape. The children made many things including bookmarks, wallets, pencil cases, and picture frames. They worked hard to complete their projects and decorate them with marker.

Working hard on pencil cases.

Making wallets 

The prince of duck tape! "Bring me my tape, peasant!"

Ms. Penner

Group 5 August 8-12

This week started off with a blast and continued on as a highlight week of the summer! Our activities this week focused on building and creating things with our hands. The week began with the building of water rockets. The children built and decorated their rockets (2L empty pop bottles, corked, and with some water in it) in the morning and in the afternoon we shot them into the sky. On Tuesday we went to Home Depot and made airplanes! Then on Wednesday, we created wallets, handbags, and doll accessories with duct tape.

On Thursday we went to King's Park. We caught a lot of frogs, saw a whole bunch of chipmunks, rolled down some hills, and saw some very strange leaves.

Friday, August 26, 2016

Group 2 Week 8

If I was eleven years old and had to sum up the week in one word, I might say it was EPIC! We started the week off with the super slide (side note-I bought that piece of poly for around 50 dollars about 7-8 years ago and it is still paying off to this day!!). The middle of the week found us venturing around the Forks and surrounding areas. We ran into an old friend of Mr. Bordush's, that put on a show for us at the skate park! We watched some kids do parkour, fed some birds and explored the playground! On Thursday our beyond field trip took us to Fort Whyte. I think the pictures below will tell the story of how that went: Warning- If you don't like snakes or spiders, you may want to scroll fast! We ended the week at the track behind the St. James Library. The children had a blast racing around the track. When the surface is that smooth it adds some RPM's to your wheels! 




See you soon!-Mr. Bordush