This week we made Chocolate Chip Pancakes topped with Strawberries, Chocolate Sauce, Maple Syrup and Whipped Cream.
The children decided on which one or all of the toppings to enjoy on their pancakes. Their deliberations were extremely funny and intense!!!
Tuesday Group
Hand washing is so important!
Carefully chopping the strawberries, together!
Practicing patience as we take turns mixing our ingredients.
Cleaning up is fun too!
Thursday Group
Yes, I'm counting how many pancakes I think I can eat!
How much salt?
I'm checking the recipe.
Do you see it on here?
Found it, we need 1/2 tsp.
What do you think mum?
I just ate the last bite, mum!
Pancakes are delicious!
~Ms. Crew
Nice blog Ms. Crew. It was just this last year that I figured out that folks from British Colonies spell Mom the way we say it (Mum). For the longest time I just thought my friends from New Zealand were spelling the word wrong. Now I see your British roots showing, as you too spell it Mum. I'm guessing you have U.K. roots, eh? lol