
Friday, July 08, 2016

Group 5 Week 1: Outdoor Week

This first week of July was group 5's outdoor week. Despite gloomy forecasts for the week, we were blessed with amazing weather. We managed to spend nearly the entire week outside and we all had a terrific time!

We began the week with a wonderful day of critter dipping. Unfortunately, Mr. Dueck forgot a camera (it's the beginning of summer for everybody). As a group we caught dozens of minnows, tadpoles, and various pond critters. It was a perfect start to summer!

On Tuesday, we had an outdoor lunch with group 1. Mr. Doty barbequed hot dogs and corn over the fire. It was delicious!

That afternoon we gathered some our favourite leaves, branches, and rocks to make some nature art.

On Wednesday we made boats. The children were supplied with cork, sponge, duct tape, straws, elastics, popsicle sticks, and assorted craft supplies to make their boats. The children demonstrated their creativity and their engineering skills with their great designs. The children tested the floatability of their boats in a tub of water and built masts. In the afternoon, we tested the boats by sailing them down the Truro Park stream.

On Thursday we went to Morning Sound Farms. We played with a lot of baby animals and learned about life on a farm.

On Friday we went to the Golden Gate Splashpad! It was an incredible day to spend in the water.

~Mr. Dueck

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